Matches in Nanopublications for { ?s ?p ?o <>. }
- is_nearby_variant_of label "is nearby variant of - holds between a sequence variant and a gene sequence that the variant is genomically close to." assertion.
- is_non_coding_variant_of label "is non coding variant of - holds between a sequence variant and a gene, where the variant does not affect the coding sequence" assertion.
- is_nonsense_variant_of label "is nonsense variant of - holds between a sequence variant and a gene, such the sequence variant results in a premature stop codon" assertion.
- is_sequence_variant_of label "is sequence variant of - holds between a sequence variant and a nucleic acid entity" assertion.
- is_splice_site_variant_of label "is splice site variant of - holds between a sequence variant and a gene, such the sequence variant is in the canonical splice site of one of the gene's exons." assertion.
- is_supplement label "is supplement - " assertion.
- is_synonymous_variant_of label "is synonymous variant of - holds between a sequence variant and a gene, such the sequence variant is in the coding sequence of the gene, but results in the same amino acid sequence" assertion.
- is_toxic label "is toxic - " assertion.
- iso_abbreviation label "iso abbreviation - Standard abbreviation for periodicals in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 4 system See If the 'published in' property is set, then the iso abbreviation pertains to the broader publication context (the journal) within which the given publication node is embedded, not the publication itself." assertion.
- issue label "issue - issue of a newspaper, a scientific journal or magazine for reference purpose" assertion.
- keywords label "keywords - keywords tagging a publication" assertion.
- knowledge_source label "knowledge source - An Information Resource from which the knowledge expressed in an Association was retrieved, directly or indirectly. This can be any resource through which the knowledge passed on its way to its currently serialized form. In practice, implementers should use one of the more specific subtypes of this generic property." assertion.
- latitude label "latitude - latitude" assertion.
- likelihood_associated_with label "likelihood associated with - " assertion.
- ln_ratio label "ln ratio - the natural log of the ratio of co-occurrence to expected" assertion.
- ln_ratio_confidence_interval label "ln ratio confidence interval - The 99% confidence interval for the ln_ratio calculation (i.e. the range of values within which the true value has a 99% chance of falling)" assertion.
- located_in label "located in - holds between a material entity and a material entity or site within which it is located (but of which it is not considered a part)" assertion.
- location_of label "location of - holds between material entity or site and a material entity that is located within it (but not considered a part of it)" assertion.
- longitude label "longitude - longitude" assertion.
- macromolecular_machine_mixin_name label "macromolecular machine mixin name - genes are typically designated by a short symbol and a full name. We map the symbol to the default display name and use an additional slot for full name" assertion.
- macromolecular_machine_to_biological_process_association_object label "macromolecular machine to biological process association object - connects an association to the object of the association. For example, in a gene-to-phenotype association, the gene is subject and phenotype is object." assertion.
- macromolecular_machine_to_cellular_component_association_object label "macromolecular machine to cellular component association object - connects an association to the object of the association. For example, in a gene-to-phenotype association, the gene is subject and phenotype is object." assertion.
- macromolecular_machine_to_entity_association_mixin_subject label "macromolecular machine to entity association mixin subject - connects an association to the subject of the association. For example, in a gene-to-phenotype association, the gene is subject and phenotype is object." assertion.
- macromolecular_machine_to_molecular_activity_association_object label "macromolecular machine to molecular activity association object - connects an association to the object of the association. For example, in a gene-to-phenotype association, the gene is subject and phenotype is object." assertion.
- manifestation_of label "manifestation of - that part of a phenomenon which is directly observable or visibly expressed, or which gives evidence to the underlying process; used in SemMedDB for linking things like dysfunctions and processes to some disease or syndrome" assertion.
- mapped_predicate label "mapped predicate - The predicate that is being replaced by the fully qualified representation of predicate + subject and object qualifiers. Only to be used in test data and mapping data to help with the transition to the fully qualified predicate model. Not to be used in knowledge graphs." assertion.
- material_sample_derivation_association_object label "material sample derivation association object - the material entity the sample was derived from. This may be another material sample, or any other material entity, including for example an organism, a geographic feature, or some environmental material." assertion.
- material_sample_derivation_association_predicate label "material sample derivation association predicate - derivation relationship" assertion.
- material_sample_derivation_association_subject label "material sample derivation association subject - the material sample being described" assertion.
- material_sample_to_entity_association_mixin_subject label "material sample to entity association mixin subject - the material sample being described" assertion.
- max_tolerated_dose label "max tolerated dose - The highest dose of a drug or treatment that does not cause unacceptable side effects. The maximum tolerated dose is determined in clinical trials by testing increasing doses on different groups of people until the highest dose with acceptable side effects is found. Also called MTD." assertion.
- mechanism_of_action label "mechanism of action - a boolean flag to indicate if the edge is part of a path or subgraph of a knowledge graph that constitutes the mechanism of action for a result." assertion.
- member_of label "member of - Defines a mereological relation between a item and a collection." assertion.
- mentioned_by label "mentioned by - refers to is a relation between one named thing and the information content entity that it makes reference to." assertion.
- mentions label "mentions - refers to is a relation between one information content entity and the named thing that it makes reference to." assertion.
- mesh_terms label "mesh terms - mesh terms tagging a publication" assertion.
- model_of label "model of - holds between a thing and some other thing it approximates for purposes of scientific study, in virtue of its exhibiting similar features of the studied entity." assertion.
- model_to_disease_association_mixin_predicate label "model to disease association mixin predicate - The relationship to the disease" assertion.
- model_to_disease_association_mixin_subject label "model to disease association mixin subject - The entity that serves as the model of the disease. This may be an organism, a strain of organism, a genotype or variant that exhibits similar features, or a gene that when mutated exhibits features of the disease" assertion.
- molecular_activity_enabled_by label "molecular activity enabled by - The gene product, gene, or complex that catalyzes the reaction" assertion.
- molecular_activity_has_input label "molecular activity has input - A chemical entity that is the input for the reaction" assertion.
- molecular_activity_has_output label "molecular activity has output - A chemical entity that is the output for the reaction" assertion.
- molecular_activity_to_chemical_entity_association_object label "molecular activity to chemical entity association object - connects an association to the object of the association. For example, in a gene-to-phenotype association, the gene is subject and phenotype is object." assertion.
- molecular_activity_to_chemical_entity_association_subject label "molecular activity to chemical entity association subject - connects an association to the subject of the association. For example, in a gene-to-phenotype association, the gene is subject and phenotype is object." assertion.
- molecular_activity_to_molecular_activity_association_object label "molecular activity to molecular activity association object - connects an association to the object of the association. For example, in a gene-to-phenotype association, the gene is subject and phenotype is object." assertion.
- molecular_activity_to_molecular_activity_association_subject label "molecular activity to molecular activity association subject - connects an association to the subject of the association. For example, in a gene-to-phenotype association, the gene is subject and phenotype is object." assertion.
- molecular_activity_to_pathway_association_object label "molecular activity to pathway association object - connects an association to the object of the association. For example, in a gene-to-phenotype association, the gene is subject and phenotype is object." assertion.
- molecular_activity_to_pathway_association_predicate label "molecular activity to pathway association predicate - A high-level grouping for the relationship type. AKA minimal predicate. This is analogous to category for nodes." assertion.
- molecular_activity_to_pathway_association_subject label "molecular activity to pathway association subject - connects an association to the subject of the association. For example, in a gene-to-phenotype association, the gene is subject and phenotype is object." assertion.
- named_thing_associated_with_likelihood_of_named_thing_association_predicate label "named thing associated with likelihood of named thing association predicate - A high-level grouping for the relationship type. AKA minimal predicate. This is analogous to category for nodes." assertion.
- named_thing_category label "named thing category - Name of the high level ontology class in which this entity is categorized. Corresponds to the label for the biolink entity type class. * In a neo4j database this MAY correspond to the neo4j label tag. * In an RDF database it should be a biolink model class URI. This field is multi-valued. It should include values for ancestors of the biolink class; for example, a protein such as Shh would have category values `biolink:Protein`, `biolink:GeneProduct`, `biolink:MolecularEntity`, ... In an RDF database, nodes will typically have an rdf:type triples. This can be to the most specific biolink class, or potentially to a class more specific than something in biolink. For example, a sequence feature `f` may have a rdf:type assertion to a SO class such as TF_binding_site, which is more specific than anything in biolink. Here we would have categories {biolink:GenomicEntity, biolink:MolecularEntity, biolink:NamedThing}" assertion.
- narrow_matches label "narrow matches - A list of terms from different schemas or terminology systems that have a narrower meaning. Such terms often describe a more specific concept from different ontological perspectives." assertion.
- negatively_correlated_with label "negatively correlated with - A relationship that holds between two concepts represented by variables for which a statistical correlation is demonstrated, wherein variable values move in opposite directions (i.e. increased in one or presence of one correlates with a decrease or absence of the other)." assertion.
- node_property label "node property - A grouping for any property that holds between a node and a value" assertion.
- nutrient_of label "nutrient of - holds between a one or more chemical entities present in food, irrespective of nutritional value (i.e. could also be a contaminant or additive)" assertion.
- object_location_in_text label "object location in text - Character offsets for the text span(s) in the supporting text corresponding to the object concept of the extracted assertion" assertion.
- occurs_in label "occurs in - holds between a process and a material entity or site within which the process occurs" assertion.
- occurs_together_in_literature_with label "occurs together in literature with - holds between two entities where their co-occurrence is correlated by counts of publications in which both occur, using some threshold of occurrence as defined by the edge provider." assertion.
- onset_qualifier label "onset qualifier - a qualifier used in a phenotypic association to state when the phenotype appears is in the subject" assertion.
- opposite_of label "opposite of - x is the opposite of y if there exists some distance metric M, and there exists no z such as M(x,z) <= M(x,y) or M(y,z) <= M(y,x). (This description is from RO. Needs to be rephrased)." assertion.
- organism_taxon_to_entity_association_subject label "organism taxon to entity association subject - organism taxon that is the subject of the association" assertion.
- organism_taxon_to_environment_association_object label "organism taxon to environment association object - the environment in which the organism occurs" assertion.
- organism_taxon_to_environment_association_predicate label "organism taxon to environment association predicate - predicate describing the relationship between the taxon and the environment" assertion.
- organism_taxon_to_environment_association_subject label "organism taxon to environment association subject - the taxon that is the subject of the association" assertion.
- organism_taxon_to_organism_taxon_association_object label "organism taxon to organism taxon association object - connects an association to the object of the association. For example, in a gene-to-phenotype association, the gene is subject and phenotype is object." assertion.
- organism_taxon_to_organism_taxon_association_subject label "organism taxon to organism taxon association subject - connects an association to the subject of the association. For example, in a gene-to-phenotype association, the gene is subject and phenotype is object." assertion.
- organism_taxon_to_organism_taxon_interaction_associated_environmental_context label "organism taxon to organism taxon interaction associated environmental context - the environment in which the two taxa interact" assertion.
- organism_taxon_to_organism_taxon_interaction_object label "organism taxon to organism taxon interaction object - the taxon that is the subject of the association" assertion.
- organism_taxon_to_organism_taxon_interaction_predicate label "organism taxon to organism taxon interaction predicate - A high-level grouping for the relationship type. AKA minimal predicate. This is analogous to category for nodes." assertion.
- organism_taxon_to_organism_taxon_interaction_subject label "organism taxon to organism taxon interaction subject - the taxon that is the subject of the association" assertion.
- organism_taxon_to_organism_taxon_specialization_object label "organism taxon to organism taxon specialization object - the more general taxon" assertion.
- organism_taxon_to_organism_taxon_specialization_predicate label "organism taxon to organism taxon specialization predicate - A high-level grouping for the relationship type. AKA minimal predicate. This is analogous to category for nodes." assertion.
- organism_taxon_to_organism_taxon_specialization_subject label "organism taxon to organism taxon specialization subject - the more specific taxon" assertion.
- organism_to_organism_association_object label "organism to organism association object - An association between two individual organisms." assertion.
- organism_to_organism_association_subject label "organism to organism association subject - connects an association to the subject of the association. For example, in a gene-to-phenotype association, the gene is subject and phenotype is object." assertion.
- organismal_entity_as_a_model_of_disease_association_subject label "organismal entity as a model of disease association subject - A organismal entity (strain, breed) with a predisposition to a disease, or bred/created specifically to model a disease." assertion.
- organismal_entity_has_attribute label "organismal entity has attribute - may often be an organism attribute" assertion.
- original_object label "original object - used to hold the original object of a relation (or predicate) that an external knowledge source uses before transformation to match the biolink-model specification." assertion.
- original_predicate label "original predicate - used to hold the original relation/predicate that an external knowledge source uses before transformation to match the biolink-model specification." assertion.
- original_subject label "original subject - used to hold the original subject of a relation (or predicate) that an external knowledge source uses before transformation to match the biolink-model specification." assertion.
- orthologous_to label "orthologous to - a homology relationship between entities (typically genes) that diverged after a speciation event." assertion.
- overlaps label "overlaps - holds between entities that overlap in their extents (materials or processes)" assertion.
- p_value label "p value - A quantitative confidence value that represents the probability of obtaining a result at least as extreme as that actually obtained, assuming that the actual value was the result of chance alone." assertion.
- pages label "pages - page number of source referenced for statement or publication" assertion.
- pairwise_gene_to_gene_interaction_predicate label "pairwise gene to gene interaction predicate - interaction relationship type" assertion.
- pairwise_molecular_interaction_id label "pairwise molecular interaction id - identifier for the interaction. This may come from an interaction database such as IMEX." assertion.
- pairwise_molecular_interaction_object label "pairwise molecular interaction object - connects an association to the object of the association. For example, in a gene-to-phenotype association, the gene is subject and phenotype is object." assertion.
- pairwise_molecular_interaction_predicate label "pairwise molecular interaction predicate - interaction relationship type" assertion.
- pairwise_molecular_interaction_subject label "pairwise molecular interaction subject - connects an association to the subject of the association. For example, in a gene-to-phenotype association, the gene is subject and phenotype is object." assertion.
- paralogous_to label "paralogous to - a homology relationship that holds between entities (typically genes) that diverged after a duplication event." assertion.
- part_of label "part of - holds between parts and wholes (material entities or processes)" assertion.
- part_qualifier label "part qualifier - defines a specific part/component of the core concept (used in cases there this specific part has no IRI we can use to directly represent it, e.g. 'ESR1 transcript' q: polyA tail)." assertion.
- participates_in label "participates in - holds between a continuant and a process, where the continuant is somehow involved in the process" assertion.
- phase label "phase - The phase for a coding sequence entity. For example, phase of a CDS as represented in a GFF3 with a value of 0, 1 or 2." assertion.
- phenotypic_state label "phenotypic state - in experiments (e.g. gene expression) assaying diseased or unhealthy tissue, the phenotypic state can be put here, e.g. MONDO ID. For healthy tissues, use XXX." assertion.
- physically_interacts_with label "physically interacts with - holds between two entities that make physical contact as part of some interaction. does not imply a causal relationship." assertion.
- population_context_qualifier label "population context qualifier - a biological population (general, study, cohort, etc.) with a specific set of characteristics to constrain an association." assertion.
- population_to_population_association_object label "population to population association object - the population that form the object of the association" assertion.
- population_to_population_association_predicate label "population to population association predicate - A relationship type that holds between the subject and object populations. Standard mereological relations can be used. E.g. subject part-of object, subject overlaps object. Derivation relationships can also be used" assertion.
- population_to_population_association_subject label "population to population association subject - the population that form the subject of the association" assertion.