Matches in Nanopublications for { ?s ?p ?o <>. }
- preceded_by label "preceded by - holds between two processes, where the other is completed before the one begins" assertion.
- precedes label "precedes - holds between two processes, where one completes before the other begins" assertion.
- predicate label "predicate - A high-level grouping for the relationship type. AKA minimal predicate. This is analogous to category for nodes." assertion.
- predicate_mappings label "predicate mappings - A collection of relationships that are not used in biolink, but have biolink patterns that can be used to replace them. This is a temporary slot to help with the transition to the fully qualified predicate model in Biolink3." assertion.
- prevented_by label "prevented by - holds between a potential outcome of which the likelihood was reduced by the application or use of an entity." assertion.
- primary_knowledge_source label "primary knowledge source - The most upstream source of the knowledge expressed in an Association that an implementer can identify. Performing a rigorous analysis of upstream data providers is expected; every effort is made to catalog the most upstream source of data in this property. Only one data source should be declared primary in any association. "aggregator knowledge source" can be used to caputre non-primary sources." assertion.
- produces label "produces - holds between a material entity and a product that is generated through the intentional actions or functioning of the material entity" assertion.
- provider label "provider - person, group, organization or project that provides a piece of information (e.g. a knowledge association)." assertion.
- publication_id label "publication id - Different kinds of publication subtypes will have different preferred identifiers (curies when feasible). Precedence of identifiers for scientific articles is as follows: PMID if available; DOI if not; actual alternate CURIE otherwise. Enclosing publications (i.e. referenced by 'published in' node property) such as books and journals, should have industry-standard identifier such as from ISBN and ISSN." assertion.
- publication_name label "publication name - the 'title' of the publication is generally recorded in the 'name' property (inherited from NamedThing). The field name 'title' is now also tagged as an acceptable alias for the node property 'name' (just in case)." assertion.
- publication_pages label "publication pages - When a 2-tuple of page numbers are provided, they represent the start and end page of the publication within its parent publication context. For books, this may be set to the total number of pages of the book." assertion.
- publication_publication_type label "publication publication type - Ontology term for publication type may be drawn from Dublin Core types (, FRBR-aligned Bibliographic Ontology (, the MESH publication types (, the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) Controlled Vocabulary for Resource Type Genres (, Wikidata (, or equivalent publication type ontology. When a given publication type ontology term is used within a given knowledge graph, then the CURIE identified term must be documented in the graph as a concept node of biolink:category biolink:OntologyClass." assertion.
- publication_type label "publication type - Ontology term for publication type may be drawn from Dublin Core types (, FRBR-aligned Bibliographic Ontology (, the MESH publication types (, the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) Controlled Vocabulary for Resource Type Genres (, Wikidata (, or equivalent publication type ontology. When a given publication type ontology term is used within a given knowledge graph, then the CURIE identified term must be documented in the graph as a concept node of biolink:category biolink:OntologyClass." assertion.
- published_in label "published in - CURIE identifier of a broader publication context within which the publication may be placed, e.g. a specified book or journal." assertion.
- publisher label "publisher - organization or person responsible for publishing books, periodicals, podcasts, games or software. Note that in the case of publications which have a containing "published in" node property, the publisher association may not be attached directly to the embedded child publication, but only made in between the parent's publication node and the publisher agent of the encompassing publication (e.g. only from the Journal referenced by the 'published_in' property of an journal article Publication node)." assertion.
- qualified_predicate label "qualified predicate - Predicate to be used in an association when subject and object qualifiers are present and the full reading of the statement requires a qualification to the predicate in use in order to refine or increase the specificity of the full statement reading. This qualifier holds a relationship to be used instead of that expressed by the primary predicate, in a ‘full statement’ reading of the association, where qualifier-based semantics are included. This is necessary only in cases where the primary predicate does not work in a full statement reading." assertion.
- qualifier label "qualifier - grouping slot for all qualifiers on an edge. useful for testing compliance with association classes" assertion.
- quantifier_qualifier label "quantifier qualifier - A measurable quantity for the object of the association" assertion.
- reaction_direction label "reaction direction - the direction of a reaction as constrained by the direction enum (ie: left_to_right, neutral, etc.)" assertion.
- reaction_side label "reaction side - the side of a reaction being modeled (ie: left or right)" assertion.
- reaction_to_catalyst_association_object label "reaction to catalyst association object - connects an association to the object of the association. For example, in a gene-to-phenotype association, the gene is subject and phenotype is object." assertion.
- reaction_to_participant_association_subject label "reaction to participant association subject - connects an association to the subject of the association. For example, in a gene-to-phenotype association, the gene is subject and phenotype is object." assertion.
- regulates label "regulates - A more specific form of affects, that implies the effect results from a biologically evolved control mechanism. Gene-affects-gene relationships will (almost) always involve regulation. Exogenous/environmental chemical-affects-gene relationships are not cases of regulation in this definition. Instead these would be captured using the 'affects' predicate, or possibly one of the 'interacts with' predicates depending on the nature of the interaction." assertion.
- related_to label "related to - A relationship that is asserted between two named things" assertion.
- related_to_at_concept_level label "related to at concept level - Represents a relationship held between terminology components that describe the conceptual model of a domain." assertion.
- related_to_at_instance_level label "related to at instance level - Represents a relationship held between two instances of a data classes. Much like an assertion component, in an ABox, these represent facts associated with the conceptual model." assertion.
- relative_frequency_object label "relative frequency object - The frequency at which subject and object concepts co-occur in records within a dataset/cohort, relative to the frequency at which the object concept appears in these same records." assertion.
- relative_frequency_object_confidence_interval label "relative frequency object confidence interval - The 99% confidence interval for the relative_frequency_object calculation (i.e. the range of values within which the true value has a 99% chance of falling)" assertion.
- relative_frequency_subject label "relative frequency subject - The frequency at which subject and object concepts co-occur in records within a dataset/cohort, relative to the frequency at which the subject concept appears in these same records." assertion.
- relative_frequency_subject_confidence_interval label "relative frequency subject confidence interval - The 99% confidence interval for the relative_frequency_subject calculation (i.e. the range of values within which the true value has a 99% chance of falling)" assertion.
- resource label "resource - The CURIE for an Information Resource that served as a source of knowledge expressed in an Edge, or a source of data used to generate this knowledge." assertion.
- resource_role label "resource role - The role played by the InformationResource in serving as a source for an Edge. Note that a given Edge should have one and only one 'primary' source, and may have any number of 'aggregator' or 'supporting data' sources." assertion.
- response_affected_by label "response affected by - holds between two chemical entities where the susceptibility of a biological entity or system (e.g. an organism, cell, cellular component, macromolecular machine mixin, biological or pathological process) of one is affected by the action of the other." assertion.
- retrieval_source_resource label "retrieval source resource - The InformationResource that served as a source for the knowledge expressed in an Edge, or data used to generate this knowledge." assertion.
- retrieval_source_resource_role label "retrieval source resource role - The role of the InformationResource in the retrieval of the knowledge expressed in an Edge, or data used to generate this knowledge." assertion.
- retrieval_source_upstream_resources label "retrieval source upstream resources - The InformationResources that served as a source for the InformationResource that served as a source for the knowledge expressed in an Edge, or data used to generate this knowledge." assertion.
- routes_of_delivery label "routes of delivery - the method or process of administering a pharmaceutical compound to achieve a therapeutic effect in humans or animals." assertion.
- same_as label "same as - holds between two entities that are considered equivalent to each other" assertion.
- sequence_feature_relationship_object label "sequence feature relationship object - connects an association to the object of the association. For example, in a gene-to-phenotype association, the gene is subject and phenotype is object." assertion.
- sequence_feature_relationship_subject label "sequence feature relationship subject - connects an association to the subject of the association. For example, in a gene-to-phenotype association, the gene is subject and phenotype is object." assertion.
- sequence_localization_attribute label "sequence localization attribute - An attribute that can be applied to a genome sequence localization edge. These edges connect a nucleic acid entity such as an exon to an entity such as a chromosome. Edge properties are used to ascribe specific positional information and other metadata to the localization. In pragmatic terms this can be thought of as columns in a GFF3 line." assertion.
- sequence_variant_has_biological_sequence label "sequence variant has biological sequence - The state of the sequence w.r.t a reference sequence" assertion.
- sequence_variant_has_gene label "sequence variant has gene - Each allele can be associated with any number of genes" assertion.
- sequence_variant_id label "sequence variant id - A unique identifier for an entity. Must be either a CURIE shorthand for a URI or a complete URI" assertion.
- sequence_variant_modulates_treatment_association_object label "sequence variant modulates treatment association object - treatment whose efficacy is modulated by the subject variant" assertion.
- sequence_variant_modulates_treatment_association_subject label "sequence variant modulates treatment association subject - variant that modulates the treatment of some disease" assertion.
- sequence_variant_qualifier label "sequence variant qualifier - a qualifier used in an association with the variant" assertion.
- serial_id label "serial id - Serials (journals) should have industry-standard identifier such as from ISSN." assertion.
- serial_type label "serial type - Should generally be set to an ontology class defined term for 'serial' or 'journal'." assertion.
- severity_qualifier label "severity qualifier - a qualifier used in a phenotypic association to state how severe the phenotype is in the subject" assertion.
- sex_qualifier label "sex qualifier - a qualifier used in a phenotypic association to state whether the association is specific to a particular sex." assertion.
- similar_to label "similar to - holds between an entity and some other entity with similar features." assertion.
- small_molecule_id label "small molecule id - A unique identifier for an entity. Must be either a CURIE shorthand for a URI or a complete URI" assertion.
- socioeconomic_exposure_has_attribute label "socioeconomic exposure has attribute - connects any entity to an attribute" assertion.
- species_context_qualifier label "species context qualifier - A statement qualifier representing a taxonomic category of species in which a relationship expressed in an association took place." assertion.
- start_coordinate label "start coordinate - The position at which the subject genomic entity starts on the chromosome or other entity to which it is located on. (ie: the start of the sequence being referenced is 1)." assertion.
- start_interbase_coordinate label "start interbase coordinate - The position at which the subject nucleic acid entity starts on the chromosome or other entity to which it is located on. (ie: the start of the sequence being referenced is 0)." assertion.
- statement_qualifier label "statement qualifier - " assertion.
- stoichiometry label "stoichiometry - the relationship between the relative quantities of substances taking part in a reaction or forming a compound, typically a ratio of whole integers." assertion.
- strand label "strand - The strand on which a feature is located. Has a value of '+' (sense strand or forward strand) or '-' (anti-sense strand or reverse strand)." assertion.
- subclass_of label "subclass of - holds between two classes where the domain class is a specialization of the range class" assertion.
- subject_location_in_text label "subject location in text - Character offsets for the text span(s) in the supporting text corresponding to the subject concept of the extracted assertion." assertion.
- summary label "summary - executive summary of a publication" assertion.
- superclass_of label "superclass of - holds between two classes where the domain class is a super class of the range class" assertion.
- support_graphs label "support graphs - A list of knowledge graphs that support the existence of this node." assertion.
- supporting_data_set label "supporting data set - A set of data used as evidence to generate the knowledge expressed in an Association (e.g. through computation on, reasoning or inference over the retrieved data)." assertion.
- supporting_data_source label "supporting data source - An Information Resource from which data was retrieved and subsequently used as evidence to generate the knowledge expressed in an Association (e.g. through computation on, reasoning or inference over the retrieved data)." assertion.
- supporting_document_type label "supporting document type - The document type (e.g., Journal Article, Case Study, Preprint) for the supporting document used in a Text Mining Result." assertion.
- supporting_document_year label "supporting document year - The document year (typically the publication year) for the supporting document used in a Text Mining Result." assertion.
- supporting_documents label "supporting documents - One or more referencable documents that report the statement expressed in an Association, or provide information used as evidence supporting this statement." assertion.
- supporting_study_cohort label "supporting study cohort - A description of a study population/cohort that was interrogated to provide evidence for the association (e.g. the inclusion and exclusion criteria)." assertion.
- supporting_study_context label "supporting study context - A term or terms describing the experimental setting/context in which evidence supporting the Association was generated ('context' may be defined by many factors, including taxon, model system (e.g. cell line type), tissue type, disease, etc.)." assertion.
- supporting_study_date_range label "supporting study date range - The date range over which data was collected in a study that provided evidence for an Association." assertion.
- supporting_study_metadata label "supporting study metadata - Information about a study used to generate information used as evidence to support the knowledge expressed in an Association. In practice, data creators should use one of the more specific subtypes of this property." assertion.
- supporting_study_method_description label "supporting study method description - A uri or curie pointing to information about the methodology used to generate data supporting an Association." assertion.
- supporting_study_method_type label "supporting study method type - A type of method that was applied in a study used to generate the information used as evidence (e.g. a type of experimental assay, or statistical calculation, or computational analysis)." assertion.
- supporting_study_size label "supporting study size - The sample size used in a study that provided evidence for the association (e.g. 'n' of a cohort for a clinical study)." assertion.
- supporting_text label "supporting text - The segment of text from a document that supports the mined assertion." assertion.
- supporting_text_section_type label "supporting text section type - The section of the supporting text of a Text Mining Result within the supporting document. This is in the form of the name of the document section (e.g., Abstract, Introduction) that contains the supporting text." assertion.
- symbol label "symbol - Symbol for a particular thing" assertion.
- synonym label "synonym - Alternate human-readable names for a thing" assertion.
- systematic_synonym label "systematic synonym - more commonly used for gene symbols in yeast" assertion.
- target_for label "target for - A gene is a target of a disease when its products are druggable and when a drug interaction with the gene product could have a therapeutic effect" assertion.
- taxon_to_taxon_association_object label "taxon to taxon association object - An association between individuals of different taxa." assertion.
- taxon_to_taxon_association_subject label "taxon to taxon association subject - connects an association to the subject of the association. For example, in a gene-to-phenotype association, the gene is subject and phenotype is object." assertion.
- temporal_context_qualifier label "temporal context qualifier - a constraint of time placed upon the truth value of an association. for time intervales, use temporal interval qualifier." assertion.
- temporal_interval_qualifier label "temporal interval qualifier - a constraint of a time interval placed upon the truth value of an association." assertion.
- temporally_related_to label "temporally related to - holds between two entities with a temporal relationship" assertion.
- timepoint label "timepoint - a point in time" assertion.
- trade_name label "trade name - " assertion.
- transcribed_from label "transcribed from - x is transcribed from y if and only if x is synthesized from template y" assertion.
- transcribed_to label "transcribed to - inverse of transcribed from" assertion.
- transcript_to_gene_relationship_object label "transcript to gene relationship object - connects an association to the object of the association. For example, in a gene-to-phenotype association, the gene is subject and phenotype is object." assertion.
- transcript_to_gene_relationship_subject label "transcript to gene relationship subject - connects an association to the subject of the association. For example, in a gene-to-phenotype association, the gene is subject and phenotype is object." assertion.
- translates_to label "translates to - x (amino acid chain/polypeptide) is the ribosomal translation of y (transcript) if and only if a ribosome reads y (transcript) through a series of triplet codon-amino acid adaptor activities (GO:0030533) and produces x (amino acid chain/polypeptide)" assertion.
- translation_of label "translation of - inverse of translates to" assertion.
- update_date label "update date - date on which an entity was updated. This can be applied to nodes or edges" assertion.
- upstream_resources label "upstream resources - An upstream InformationResource from which the resource being described directly retrieved a record of the knowledge expressed in the Edge, or data used to generate this knowledge. This is an array because there are cases where a merged Edge holds knowledge that was retrieved from multiple sources. e.g. an Edge provided by the ARAGORN ARA can expressing knowledge it retrieved from both the automat-mychem-info and molepro KPs, which both provided it with records of this single fact." assertion.
- variant_as_a_model_of_disease_association_subject label "variant as a model of disease association subject - A variant that has a role in modeling the disease." assertion.
- variant_to_disease_association_object label "variant to disease association object - a disease that is associated with that variant" assertion.