Matches in Nanopublications for { ?s <> ?o ?g. }
- declaration considerations "Training and education for the data providers, managers, stewards for understanding different aspects of open data licenses. " assertion.
- declaration considerations "There are other alternatives and options out there (Cloudevents, distributed ledgers, other transactional systems). How to combine these?" assertion.
- declaration considerations "There are other alternatives and options out there (Cloudevents, distributed ledgers, other transactional systems). How to combine these?" assertion.
- declaration considerations "The identifier system should be able to accommodate Digital Specimens (a specific type of FAIR Digital Object) and related metadata. " assertion.
- declaration considerations "DiSSCo does not specifically distinguish between data and metadata for digital specimen, allowing most data fields to be used also as metadata for discovery. " assertion.
- declaration considerations "A FAIR service providing access to Digital Specimens and Collections. Harmonising data from different types of collections and institutions of different sizes can be a challenge. As each individual specimen is described as Digital Object, the dataset concept for DiSSCo is not clearly defined. Collection Object (group of Digital Specimens) can be thought of as datasets. " assertion.
- declaration considerations "How to maintain the standards and vocabularies? How to make it usable for different systems? " assertion.
- declaration considerations "The identifier system should be able to accommodate Digital Specimens (a specific type of FAIR Digital Object) and related metadata. " assertion.
- declaration considerations "The FAIR Digital Object model should be able to handle Digital Specimens (a specific type of Digital Object) and related metadata and a wide variety of collections and specimens data. For Digital Specimens, often there is no distinction between data and metadata, the attributes for the digital object should be index and discoverable. " assertion.
- declaration considerations "A FAIR service providing access to Digital Specimens and Collections. Harmonising data from different types of collections and institutions of different sizes can be a challenge. " assertion.
- declaration considerations "Ensuring interoperability between DiSSCo and GBIF infrastructures. " assertion.
- declaration considerations "Different systems (bata providers are not aware of DOIP and not compatible yet. " assertion.
- declaration considerations "A common guidelines and recommendations for application programming interfaces (APIs) is lac" assertion.
- declaration considerations "DOIP is not natively supported in the systems currently used in the community. At the moment it only provides JSON response." assertion.
- declaration considerations "REST is widely use however, not all systems will have a REST API endpoint. Alternative would be to import the data" assertion.
- declaration considerations "A single sign on (SSO) interface that is compatible with EOSC and AARC guidelines. Not all the institutions are AAI federation ready so alternative federated login options need to be provided (such as orcid, google). " assertion.
- declaration considerations "A single sign on (SSO) interface that is compatible with EOSC and AARC guidelines. Not all the institutions are AAI federation ready so alternative federated login options need to be provided (such as orcid, google). " assertion.
- declaration considerations "A policy to help the community understand what data should be open or not. How to handle ethical and legal issues. " assertion.
- declaration considerations "The Data Management Plan is a living document. Proper training, resources need to be in place for " assertion.
- declaration considerations "DarwinCore Archive provides a mechanism to share data in a tab delimited format. " assertion.
- declaration considerations "JSON Schema alone is not enough for validation, need semantic validation (JSON-LD etc.)" assertion.
- declaration considerations "How to maintain the standards and vocabularies? How to make it usable for different systems? " assertion.
- declaration considerations "Again, concept of datasets need to be defined within our community. " assertion.
- declaration considerations "currently under development. Needs to align with existing specifications and also efforts from other research infrastructure in the biodiversity domain. " assertion.
- declaration considerations "The specification design work in openDS is an iterative process. There will be pilots and testing done of the concepts via the cordra software implementation at" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Each object contains a minimum of mandatory terms consistent with its formal object type definition, with the possibility to include optional additional terms and enrichments as necessary." assertion.
- declaration considerations "We might need to use different licenses for certain attributes of the objects. At the moment, our idea is as open as possible and as closed legally necessary. For example, hiding location data for endangered species. " assertion.
- declaration considerations "Training and education for the data providers, managers, stewards for understanding different aspects of open data licenses. " assertion.
- declaration considerations "There are other alternatives and options out there (Cloudevents, distributed ledgers, other transactional systems). How to combine these?" assertion.
- declaration considerations "There are other alternatives and options out there (Cloudevents, distributed ledgers, other transactional systems). How to combine these?" assertion.
- declaration considerations "DOI are minted using the AERIS prefix (obtained via the French member of Datacite: INIST-CNRS)" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Automatic conversion from internal metadata format to Datacite schema" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Automatic conversion from internal metadata format to Datacite" assertion.
- declaration considerations "REST api" assertion.
- declaration considerations "REST api" assertion.
- declaration considerations "-" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Home made JSON format, compliant with standards" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Community relevant" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Metadata are stored in a MongoDB database. Documents are identified by a UUID." assertion.
- declaration considerations "DOI are minted using the AERIS prefix (obtained via the French member of Datacite: INIST-CNRS)" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Internal format compliant with ISO standard" assertion.
- declaration considerations "widely used in community" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Automatic conversion from internal metadata format to Datacite" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Using Thredds data server. We would need to convert all data to the NetCDF format" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Metadata are openly available" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Data are open" assertion.
- declaration considerations "5 years min. as defined in the ACTRIS DMP" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Conversion of all data to NetCDF planned. " assertion.
- declaration considerations "under development" assertion.
- declaration considerations "under development" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Ongoing submission of missing names" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Home-made metadata format compliant with standards" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Conversion from EDF files to be done. Both format will be distributed" assertion.
- declaration considerations "-" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Community standard" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Wide" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Will follow ENVRI-FAIR recommendations" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Will follow ENVRI-FAIR recommendations" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Widely used in community." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Widely used in community" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Highly community relevant." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Widely used." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Community relevant." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Community relevant." assertion.
- declaration considerations "RI relevant." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Community relevant." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Community relevant." assertion.
- declaration considerations "RI relevant." assertion.
- declaration considerations "RI relevant." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Community standard." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Generally relevant" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Community relevant." assertion.
- declaration considerations "widely used, no need for authentication." assertion.
- declaration considerations "used for fully quality controlled data, open for anybody." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Project requirement." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Widely used in community." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Community relevant." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Community relevant" assertion.
- declaration considerations "RI needs its customized vocabulary." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Community standard." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Community standard." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Widely accepted." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Expert recommended." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Widely used in community" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Highly community relevant." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Widely used." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Community relevant." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Community relevant." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Community relevant." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Community relevant." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Community relevant." assertion.
- declaration considerations "community relevant" assertion.
- declaration considerations "generally relevant." assertion.
- declaration considerations "community relevant" assertion.
- declaration considerations "widely used, no need for authentication." assertion.
- declaration considerations "used for fully quality controlled data, open for anybody." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Project requirement." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Widely used in community." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Community relevant." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Community relevant." assertion.