Matches in Nanopublications for { ?s <> ?o ?g. }
- declaration considerations "We use DataCite and for Argo data and metadata DOI" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Argo data and metadata are distributed with a CC-By license." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Argo data and metadata are distributed with a CC-By license." assertion.
- declaration considerations "We use NetCDF CF metadata." assertion.
- declaration considerations "The provenance information is recorded in Argo NetCDF implementation documented on" assertion.
- declaration considerations "The one-click download of Argo data and metadata is available from this DOI: These are monthly snapshot of the whole Argo dataset (GDAC data)." assertion.
- declaration considerations "We think that a persistent identifier for individual cycle file (2 million of them) should be provided. It won't be DOI, it should be a handle." assertion.
- declaration considerations "There should be one pid per Argo float cycle. There are more than 2 million cycles. The pid will be resolved by an Ifremer 'argo data selection' web landing page." assertion.
- declaration considerations "The one-click download of Argo data and metadata is avilable from this DOI:" assertion.
- declaration considerations "The data and metadata organization are described in: Argo user's manual,'. It describes the NetCDF CF implementation for Argo data." assertion.
- declaration considerations "The Argo GDAC DOI ( uses the metadata schema." assertion.
- declaration considerations "The DOI DataCite schemas" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Google dataset search is efficient for cross domain search." assertion.
- declaration considerations "The Argo data selection is a dedicated and specialiszed to our Argo community." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Argo DOI is indexed on Google, Bing, Seanoe, OpenSearch, google dataset search." assertion.
- declaration considerations "This is a data selection tool with Argo specific subsetting criteria (parameters, deployment years, network)." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Metadata are registered in NetCDF files available from https or ftp." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Data are registered in NetCDF files available from https or ftp." assertion.
- declaration considerations "The metadata access is anonymous. The download statistics from https and ftp servers are analyzed without user identification." assertion.
- declaration considerations "The data access is anonymous. The download statistics from https and ftp servers are analyzed without user identification." assertion.
- declaration considerations "The long term preservation of Argo dataset is shared by Ifremer and US-NCEI. Both sites preserve and mint regular DOIs of the whole dataset (monthly snapshots)." assertion.
- declaration considerations "The Argo DOI representation language is compliant with DataCite RDF schema and RDF " assertion.
- declaration considerations "The Argo DOI representation language is compliant with DataCite RDF schema and RDF " assertion.
- declaration considerations "The Argo community decided 20 years ago to distribute data and metadata in NetCDF files. The Argo NetCDF format is regularly improved." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Argo metadata such as sensor type, history records are recorded in Argo NetCDF self descriptive variables. The controlled vocabularies are published on NVS vocab server." assertion.
- declaration considerations "The Argo vocabularies used in NetCDF files are published on NVS vocab server." assertion.
- declaration considerations "We use DataCite and for Argo data and metadata DOI." assertion.
- declaration considerations "The Argo data DOI is based on DataCite Metadata scheme." assertion.
- declaration considerations "We use DataCite and for Argo data and metadata DOI." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Argo data and metadata are distributed with a CC-By license." assertion.
- declaration considerations "Argo data and metadata are distributed with a CC-By license." assertion.
- declaration considerations "The Argo NetCDF implementation contains detailed provenance information : data state, processing state, history of adjustements." assertion.
- declaration considerations "The provenance information is recorded in Argo NetCDF implementation documented on" assertion.
- declaration considerations "The Argo ontology uses PROV-O to record provenance information. This information can be queried from Argo SPARQL endpoint : Argo SPARQL endpoint :" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Metadata are stored in a MongoDB database. Documents are identified by a UUID." assertion.
- declaration considerations "DOI are minted using the AERIS prefix (obtained via the French member of Datacite: INIST-CNRS)" assertion.
- declaration considerations "DOI are minted using the AERIS prefix (obtained via the French member of Datacite: INIST-CNRS)" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Automatic conversion from internal metadata format to Datacite schema" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Internal format compliant with ISO standard" assertion.
- declaration considerations "widely used in community" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Automatic conversion from internal metadata format to Datacite" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Automatic conversion from internal metadata format to Datacite" assertion.
- declaration considerations "REST api" assertion.
- declaration considerations "REST api" assertion.
- declaration considerations "-" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Using Thredds data server. We would need to convert all data to the NetCDF format" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Metadata are openly available" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Data are open" assertion.
- declaration considerations "5 years min. as defined in the ACTRIS DMP" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Home made JSON format, compliant with standards" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Conversion of all data to NetCDF planned. " assertion.
- declaration considerations "Ongoing submission of missing names" assertion.
- declaration considerations "under development" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Home-made metadata format compliant with standards" assertion.
- declaration considerations "-" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Community relevant" assertion.
- declaration considerations "under development" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Conversion from EDF files to be done. Both format will be distributed" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Community standard" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Wide" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Will follow ENVRI-FAIR recommendations" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Will follow ENVRI-FAIR recommendations" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Metadata are stored in a MongoDB database. Documents are identified by a UUID." assertion.
- declaration considerations "DOI are minted using the AERIS prefix (obtained via the French member of Datacite: INIST-CNRS)" assertion.
- declaration considerations "DOI are minted using the AERIS prefix (obtained via the French member of Datacite: INIST-CNRS)" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Automatic conversion from internal metadata format to Datacite schema" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Internal format compliant with ISO standard" assertion.
- declaration considerations "widely used in community" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Automatic conversion from internal metadata format to Datacite" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Automatic conversion from internal metadata format to Datacite" assertion.
- declaration considerations "REST api" assertion.
- declaration considerations "REST api" assertion.
- declaration considerations "-" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Using Thredds data server. We would need to convert all data to the NetCDF format" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Metadata are openly available" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Data are open" assertion.
- declaration considerations "5 years min. as defined in the ACTRIS DMP" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Home made JSON format, compliant with standards" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Conversion of all data to NetCDF planned. " assertion.
- declaration considerations "Community relevant" assertion.
- declaration considerations "under development" assertion.
- declaration considerations "under development" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Ongoing submission of missing names" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Home-made metadata format compliant with standards" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Conversion from EDF files to be done. Both format will be distributed" assertion.
- declaration considerations "-" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Community standard" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Wide" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Will follow ENVRI-FAIR recommendations" assertion.
- declaration considerations "Will follow ENVRI-FAIR recommendations" assertion.
- declaration considerations "A Registration Agency for Digital Specimen and Natural Science Collections data is needed given the diverse and cross-cutting needs for specimen data. A global engagement is required to realise the potential power of persistent identifiers. " assertion.
- declaration considerations "DiSSCo does not specifically distinguish between data and metadata for digital specimen, allowing most data fields to be used also as metadata for discovery. " assertion.
- declaration considerations "Understanding how works with the Digital Object Architecture." assertion.
- declaration considerations "The identifier should be able to handle Digital Specimens (a specific type of Digital Object) and related metadata. " assertion.
- declaration considerations "The identifier should be able to handle Digital Specimens (a specific type of Digital Object) and related metadata. " assertion.
- declaration considerations "The FAIR Digital Object model should be able to handle Digital Specimens (a specific type of Digital Object) and related metadata and a wide variety of collections and specimens data. For Digital Specimens, often there is no distinction between data and metadata, the attributes for the digital object should be index and discoverable. " assertion.
- declaration considerations "A FAIR service providing access to Digital Specimens and Collections. Harmonising data from different types of collections and institutions of different sizes can be a challenge. " assertion.
- declaration considerations "Ensuring interoperability between DiSSCo and GBIF infrastructures. " assertion.
- declaration considerations "A FAIR service providing access to Digital Specimens and Collections. Harmonising data from different types of collections and institutions of different sizes can be a challenge. As each individual specimen is described as Digital Object, the dataset concept for DiSSCo is not clearly defined. Collection Object (group of Digital Specimens) can be thought of as datasets. " assertion.
- declaration considerations "Different systems (bata providers are not aware of DOIP and not compatible yet. " assertion.