Matches in Nanopublications for { ?s <> ?o ?g. }
- refersToProgram definition "Links a specification to a program name." assertion.
- organizationTypeOfPublisher definition "Links a specification to the organization type of its publisher." assertion.
- nameOfContact definition "Links a specification to the name of its contact person." assertion.
- roleOfContact definition "Links a specification with the role of the contact person." assertion.
- orcidOfContact definition "Links a specification to the ORCID of the contact person." assertion.
- hasFundingSource definition "Links a specification to a funding source level." assertion.
- hasDataAvailability definition "Links a specification to a data availability condition." assertion.
- hasMotivation definition "Links a specification to a motivation." assertion.
- hasMotivation definition "Links a specification to a motivation." assertion.
- hasScopeOfMonitoring definition "Links a specification to a scope of monitoring." assertion.
- addressedThreat definition "Links a specification to an addressed threat or pressure." assertion.
- collectedDataType definition "Links a specification to the data collected." assertion.
- requiresTraining definition "Specifies if for the application of a specification a training is required." assertion.
- coversBirds definition "Links a specification with bird groups." assertion.
- hasExperimentalDesign definition "Links a specification to an experimental design type." assertion.
- coversMammals definition "Links a specification with mammal groups." assertion.
- coversOrganisms definition "Specifies which organism groups are covered in the specification." assertion.
- coversInvertrebrates definition "Specifies which invertebrate groups are covered in the specification." assertion.
- coversPlants definition "Specifies which plant groups are covered in a specification." assertion.
- nameOfSpecies definition "Links a specification to the name of a species of community of interest." assertion.
- urlOfSpecies definition "Links a specification to the URL of a species of community of interest, as used in GBIF." assertion.
- numOfProfInvolved definition "Specifies the number of professionals involved in a biodiversity monitoring schema." assertion.
- numOfVolontInvolved definition "Specifies the number of volonteers involved in a biodiversity monitoring schema." assertion.
- costsOfStaff definition "Specifies the costs in Euro of staff involved in a biodiversity monitoring schema." assertion.
- costsOfMonitActiv definition "Specifies the costs of monitoring activities of a biodiversity monitoring schema." assertion.
- GeoScop definition "Defines the geografical scope." assertion.
- GeoScop definition "Defines the geographical scope." assertion.
- hasGeoScope definition "Defines the geographical scope of a biodiversity monitoring schema." assertion.
- coversCountry definition "Specifies which countries are involved in a biodiversity monitoring schema." assertion.
- coveredArea definition "Specifies the total area covered by a biodiversity monitoring schema." assertion.
- minAltCovered definition "Specifies the minimum altitude in meters covered in a biodiversity monitoring schema." assertion.
- maxAltCovered definition "Specifies the maximum altitude in meters covered in a biodiversity monitoring schema." assertion.
- siteInProtectedArea definition "Specifies if a sampling site of a biodiversity monitoring schema exists in a protected area." assertion.
- coversBiogeoRegion definition "Specifies if a biodiversity monitoring schema covers a biogeographical region." assertion.
- CorineHabitat definition "Define CORINE habitat types." assertion.
- coversCorineHabitat definition "Specifies which CORINE habitat types are covered in a biodiversity monitoring schema." assertion.
- EunisHabitat definition "Define EUNIS habitat types." assertion.
- coversEunisHabitat definition "Specifies which EUNIS habitat types are covered in a biodiversity monitoring schema." assertion.
- EUHabitatsDirective definition "Defines European Union habitat types." assertion.
- EUHabitatsDirective definition "Defines habitat types according to the European Union Habitat Directive (" assertion.
- coversEUHabitat definition "Specifies which EU Directive habitat types are covered in a biodiversity monitoring schema." assertion.
- numOfSamplingSites definition "Specifies the number of sampling sites covered by a biodiversity monitoring schema." assertion.
- changesInProcedure definition "Specifies if there are changes in monitoring procedure during monitoring schema lifetime." assertion.
- changesInProcedureDescription definition "Specifies changes in monitoring procedure during monitoring schema lifetime." assertion.
- relatedFieldMethod definition "Describes the related field method in a biodiversity monitoring schema." assertion.
- thing definition "testing..." assertion.
- coversHabitatType definition "Specifies which habitat type and classification schema is covered in a biodiversity monitoring schema." assertion.
- reduced-pressure-by-enemies-in-the-non-native-range definition "An invasive population experiences reduced pressure by enemies when outside the native range of the species." assertion.
- forVariable definition "Connects a procedure with a variable." assertion.
- my-new-taxon definition "This is just a fake example of a definition of a new species." assertion.
- pharmacogenomics_guided_clopidogrel_therapy definition "A clopidogrel therapy assisted by pharmacogenomics." assertion.
- declares-planned-replacement-of definition "Connects a FIP declaration to the resource that the community thereby declares to plan to replace in the future. The same declaration should also state a resource that the community declares to plan to use instead (with fip:declares-planned-use-of)." assertion.
- declares-planned-replacement-of definition "Connects a FIP declaration to the resource that the community thereby declares to plan to replace in the future. The same declaration should also state a resource that the community declares to plan to use instead (with fip:declares-planned-use-of)." assertion.
- declares-planned-replacement-of definition "Connects a FIP declaration to the resource that the community thereby declares to plan to replace in the future. The same declaration should also state a resource that the community declares to plan to use instead (with fip:declares-planned-use-of)." assertion.
- declares-planned-replacement-of definition "Connects a FIP declaration to the resource that the community thereby declares to plan to replace in the future. The same declaration should also state a resource that the community declares to plan to use instead (with fip:declares-planned-use-of)." assertion.
- possibleValuesFrom definition "Points to a nanopublication with possible values for a given restricted-choice or guided-choice placeholder." assertion.
- possibleValuesFrom definition "Points to a nanopublication with possible values for a given restricted-choice or guided-choice placeholder." assertion.
- obesityTogetherWithMetabolicAbnormality definition "a condition where obesity and metabolic abnormality happen together" assertion.
- the-latest-release-of-openbiodiv definition "The latest release of the OpenBiodiv knowledge graph stored in a GraphDB repository at" assertion.
- licenses-with-non-commercial-clause definition "licenses which contain a clause which prohibits use for commercial purposes" assertion.
- glycocalyx-bulk definition "Relating to size, density, or bulk of the glycocalyx" assertion.
- pharmacogenomics_guided_clopidogrel_therapy definition "A clopidogrel therapy assisted by pharmacogenomics." assertion.
- service definition "A service to publish and retrieve nanopublications" assertion.
- obesityWith-metabolic-abnormality definition "obesity together with metabolic abnormality" assertion.
- example-obesity-together-with-metabolic-abnormality definition "a condition where obesity and metabolic abnormality happen together" assertion.
- relative-neocortex-size definition "This class signifies the weight or volume of a part of the brain called neocortex." assertion.
- adherenceToTheFAIRGuidingPrinciples definition "everything that adheres to the FAIR Guiding Principles" assertion.
- integrin-clustering definition "clustering of integrin proteins at a focal adhesion" assertion.
- ecm-bound-cancer-cell definition "cancer cell engaged in extracellular matrix" assertion.
- glycocalyx-bulk definition "Relating to size, density, or bulk of the glycocalyx" assertion.
- release-of-openbiodiv-knowledge-graph definition "A release of the OpenBiodiv knowledge graph stored in a GraphDB repository at" assertion.
- triple-in-openbiodiv-knowledge-graph definition "A semantic triple in the OpenBiodiv knowledge graph" assertion.
- Dysfunction_of_ERAD_pathway definition "Dysfunction of ERAD pathway" assertion.
- hasTag definition "Specifies a tag string that is used to group the templates in a user interface." assertion.
- nanopub-tutorial-video definition "a video of a series of tutorials on Nanobench" assertion.
- example definition "example class" assertion.
- Authentication-and-authorization-service definition "A service that mediates access to digital objects according to specifed conditions." assertion.
- Authentication-and-authorization-service definition "A service that mediates access to digital objects according to specifed conditions." assertion.
- Identifier-service definition "A service that provides for any digital object (1) algorithms guaranteeing global uniqueness, (2) policy document that guarantees persistent and (3) resolution of the identifier to machine-actionable metadata describing the object and its location." assertion.
- Identifier-service definition "A service that provides for any digital object (1) algorithms guaranteeing global uniqueness, (2) policy document that guarantees persistent and (3) resolution of the identifier to machine-actionable metadata describing the object and its location." assertion.
- Metadata-data-linking-schema definition "A specification (schema) that provides a unique, persistent, (ideally) bi-directional, machine-actionable link between metadata and the data they describe." assertion.
- Metadata-data-linking-schema definition "A specification (schema) that provides a unique, persistent, (ideally) bi-directional, machine-actionable link between metadata and the data they describe." assertion.
- Metadata-data-linking-schema definition "A specification that provides a unique, persistent, (ideally) bi-directional, machine-actionable link between metadata and the data they describe." assertion.
- Semantic-model definition "A specification that defines qualified relations between entities describing data or other digital objects using structured vocabularies." assertion.
- Semantic-model definition "A specification that defines qualified relations between entities describing data or other digital objects using structured vocabularies." assertion.
- Semantic-model definition "A specification that defines qualified relations between entities describing data or other digital objects according to the Linked Data principles. This can include semantic data models and ontologies." assertion.
- Metadata-preservation-policy definition "A document that describes the conditions under which metadata are to be provisioned in the future (maybe part of a data management plan)." assertion.
- Metadata-preservation-policy definition "A data policy that describes the conditions under which metadata should be provided in the future." assertion.
- Registry definition "A service that indexes metadata and data and provides search over that index." assertion.
- Registry definition "A service that indexes metadata and data and provides search over that index." assertion.
- hasSubjectLifeCycleStage definition "This relation links a taxon-to-entity association to the specific life cycle stage of the taxon (in subject position) that the association is relevant for." assertion.
- hasSubjectLifeCycleStage definition "This relation links a taxon-to-entity association to the specific life cycle stage of the taxon (in subject position) that the association is relevant for." assertion.
- hasObjectLifeCycleStage definition "This relation links a taxon-to-taxon association to the specific life cycle stage of the taxon in object position that the association is relevant for." assertion.
- OrganismTaxonToGeneAssociation definition "An association of an organism taxon (e.g. a species) to a gene." assertion.
- OrganismTaxonToGeneAssociation definition "An association of an organism taxon (e.g. a species) to a gene." assertion.
- OrganismTaxonToGeneAssociation definition "An association of an organism taxon (e.g. a species) to a gene." assertion.
- reduced-pressure-by-enemies-in-the-non-native-range definition "An invasive population experiences reduced pressure by enemies when outside the native range of the species." assertion.
- test definition "This is just a test class." assertion.
- yatc definition "just a test" assertion.
- thinksIsOverrated definition "the subject holds the opinion that the object is overrated by others" assertion.