Matches in Nanopublications for { ?s <> ?o ?g. }
- FIP-Question definition "A question communities have to address when declaring their FAIR Implementation Profiles" assertion.
- FIP-Question definition "A question communities have to address when declaring their FAIR Implementation Profiles" assertion.
- FIP-Question definition "A question communities have to address when declaring their FAIR Implementation Profiles" assertion.
- has-data-steward definition "Specifies the data steward for a FAIR community" assertion.
- has-data-steward definition "Specifies the data steward for a FAIR implementation community" assertion.
- has-data-steward definition "Specifies the data steward for a FAIR implementation community" assertion.
- has-data-steward definition "Specifies the data steward for a FAIR implementation community" assertion.
- has-data-steward definition "Specifies the data steward for a FAIR implementation community" assertion.
- FAIR-Community definition "A non-empty set of people and/or organizations that form a self-declared community with the aim to implement the FAIR principles for their fields of interest" assertion.
- Resource-to-be-Developed definition "A FAIR-enabling resource that is not yet available but still needs to be developed" assertion.
- FAIR-Enabling-Resource definition "An artifact or service that can contribute to the implementation of the FAIR principles" assertion.
- FAIR-Enabling-Resource definition "A service, a specification or document that is essential to the operationalization of the FAIR Principles, i.e., puts FAIR into action. A FER provides a function needed to achieve some aspect of FAIR behavior and is explicitly linked to one or more FAIR principles." assertion.
- FAIR-Enabling-Resource definition "A service, a specification or a data policy that is essential to the operationalization of the FAIR Principles, i.e., puts FAIR into action. A FAIR-Enabling Resource (FER) provides a function needed to achieve some aspect of FAIR behavior and is explicitly linked to one or more FAIR principles." assertion.
- FAIR-Enabling-Resource definition "A service, a specification or a data policy that is essential to the operationalization of the FAIR Principles, i.e., puts FAIR into action. A FAIR-Enabling Resource (FER) provides a function needed to achieve some aspect of FAIR behavior and is explicitly linked to one or more FAIR principles." assertion.
- FAIR-Enabling-Resource definition "A service, a specification or a data policy that is essential to the operationalization of the FAIR Principles, i.e., puts FAIR into action. A FAIR-Enabling Resource (FER) provides a function needed to achieve some aspect of FAIR behavior and is explicitly linked to one or more FAIR principles." assertion.
- refers-to-principle definition "Connects an entity (for example a FIP declaration) to a FAIR (sub)principle it refers to" assertion.
- refers-to-principle definition "Connects an entity (for example a FIP declaration) to a FAIR (sub)principle it refers to" assertion.
- refers-to-principle definition "Connects an entity (for example a FIP declaration) to a FAIR (sub)principle it refers to" assertion.
- refers-to-principle definition "Connects an entity (for example a FIP declaration) to a FAIR (sub)principle it refers to" assertion.
- declares-planned-use-of definition "Connects a FIP declaration to the resource that the community thereby declares to plan to use in the future" assertion.
- declares-planned-use-of definition "Connects a FIP declaration to the resource that the community thereby declares to plan to use in the future" assertion.
- declares-planned-use-of definition "Connects a FIP declaration to the resource that the community thereby declares to plan to use in the future" assertion.
- declares-planned-use-of definition "Connects a FIP declaration to the resource that the community thereby declares to plan to use in the future" assertion.
- declares-planned-use-of definition "Connects a FIP declaration to the resource that the community thereby declares to plan to use in the future" assertion.
- declares-planned-use-of definition "Connects a FIP declaration to the resource that the community thereby declares to plan to use in the future" assertion.
- declares-planned-use-of definition "Connects a FIP declaration to the resource that the community thereby declares to plan to use in the future" assertion.
- FIP-Declaration definition "The expression of a community on how they address a FIP question" assertion.
- FIP-Declaration definition "The expression of a community on how they address a FIP question" assertion.
- FIP-Declaration definition "The expression of a community on how they address a FIP question" assertion.
- FIP-Declaration definition "The expression of a community on how they address a FIP question" assertion.
- FIP-Data-Question definition "A FIP question that is relevant for the actual data (as compared to just their metadata)" assertion.
- Available-Resource definition "A FAIR-enabling resource that is available for use" assertion.
- refers-to-question definition "Connects a FIP declaration to the FIP question it is addressing" assertion.
- refers-to-question definition "Connects a FIP declaration to the FIP question it is addressing" assertion.
- refers-to-question definition "Connects a FIP declaration to the FIP question it is addressing" assertion.
- refers-to-question definition "Connects a FIP declaration to the FIP question it is addressing" assertion.
- FIP-Metadata-Question definition "A FIP question that is relevant for metadata (as compared to the data themselves)" assertion.
- FIP-Data-related-Question definition "A FIP question that is relevant for the actual data (as compared to just their metadata)" assertion.
- FIP-Data-related-Question definition "A FIP question that is relevant for the actual data (as compared to just their metadata)" assertion.
- FIP-Metadata-related-Question definition "A FIP question that is relevant for metadata (as compared to the data themselves)" assertion.
- FIP-Metadata-related-Question definition "A FIP question that is relevant for metadata (as compared to the data themselves)" assertion.
- FIP-Metadata-related-Question definition "A FIP question that is relevant for metadata (as compared to the data themselves)" assertion.
- FAIR-Implementation-Community definition "A non-empty set of people and/or organizations that form a self-declared community with the aim to implement the FAIR principles for their fields of interest" assertion.
- FAIR-Implementation-Community definition "A FAIR Implementation Community (FIC) is a self-identified collection of people and/or organizations with the aim to implement the FAIR Principles" assertion.
- FAIR-Implementation-Community definition "A FAIR Implementation Community (FIC) is a self-identified collection of people and/or organizations with the aim to implement the FAIR Principles" assertion.
- FAIR-Implementation-Community definition "A FAIR Implementation Community (FIC) is a self-identified collection of people and/or organizations with the aim to implement the FAIR Principles" assertion.
- Available-FAIR-Enabling-Resource definition "A FAIR-enabling resource that is available for use" assertion.
- Available-FAIR-Enabling-Resource definition "A FAIR-enabling resource that is available for use" assertion.
- Available-FAIR-Enabling-Resource definition "A FAIR-enabling resource that is available for use" assertion.
- Available-FAIR-Enabling-Resource definition "A FAIR-enabling resource that is available for use" assertion.
- Available-FAIR-Enabling-Resource definition "A FAIR-enabling resource that is available for use" assertion.
- Available-FAIR-Enabling-Resource definition "A FAIR-enabling resource that is available for use" assertion.
- FAIR-Enabling-Resource-to-be-Developed definition "A FAIR-enabling resource that is not yet available but still needs to be developed" assertion.
- FAIR-Enabling-Resource-to-be-Developed definition "A FAIR-enabling resource that is not yet available but still needs to be developed" assertion.
- FAIR-Enabling-Resource-to-be-Developed definition "A FAIR-enabling resource that is not yet available but still needs to be developed" assertion.
- FAIR-Enabling-Resource-to-be-Developed definition "A FAIR-enabling resource that is not yet available but still needs to be developed" assertion.
- FAIR-Enabling-Resource-to-be-Developed definition "A FAIR-enabling resource that is not yet available but still needs to be developed" assertion.
- FAIR-Enabling-Resource-to-be-Developed definition "A FAIR-enabling resource that is not yet available but still needs to be developed" assertion.
- GroupedStatement definition "A statement that grouped and thereby includes several simple statements." assertion.
- RepeatableStatement definition "A statement that can be repeated several times when the template is used." assertion.
- UnlistedTemplate definition "A nanopublication template that is intended not to show up in template listings (but only to be used when explicitly referenced)." assertion.
- hasRequiredPubinfoElement definition "Indicates the template of a required publication info element for a given assertion template." assertion.
- hasRequiredPubinfoElement definition "Indicates the template of a required publication info element for a given assertion template." assertion.
- NanopubTemplate definition "A template that describes a part of a nanopublication." assertion.
- TemplateStatement definition "A statement (simple or grouped) that is part of a template." assertion.
- Placeholder definition "A placeholder corresponding to an input component like a text field in a template." assertion.
- hasDefaultProvenance definition "Indicates the default provenance template for a given assertion template." assertion.
- hasDefaultProvenance definition "Indicates the default provenance template for a given assertion template." assertion.
- IL-12-TLR-cell definition "This is the class of interleukin‐12 proteins that are produced by Toll‐like receptor‐expressing cells." assertion.
- molecular-mechanism-symbiosis definition "These are the molecular mechanisms that participate in symbiosis." assertion.
- application-multi-agent-paradigm definition "The application of a certain (SINGLETON) multi-agent paradigm." assertion.
- CLIGAL-L1-japanese-L2-english definition "CLIGAL (content language integrated global awareness learning) for L1 Japanese (Japanese as first language) and L2 English (English as second language)." assertion.
- excellence-of-curriculum definition "Excellence across a certain curriculum." assertion.
- menopausal-women definition "Women who are menopausal." assertion.
- intake-licorice-roots definition "The intake of licorice roots." assertion.
- activity-assigning-NDC-labels definition "The activity of assigning NDC (Nipon Decimal Classification) labels." assertion.
- people-directory-service definition "A directory service for people." assertion.
- human-ovarian-cancer-cell-lines-and-human-endometrial-cancer-cell-lines definition "Human ovarian and endometrial cancer cell lines." assertion.
- quantum-diffraction-effect definition "A quantum diffraction effect." assertion.
- electron-ion-correlation-effect definition "Effects of the correlation between electrons and ions." assertion.
- effective-treatment definition "Treatment that is effective." assertion.
- synthesis-of-Pb-CDCA-2-DMF-DMF-2H2O-n definition "Synthesis of the polymer {[Pb(CDCA)2(DMF))·DMF·2H2O]}n from chenodeoxycholic acid and dimethyl formamide." assertion.
- FormalizationActivity definition "an activity where a formalization is created" assertion.
- integrin-clustering definition "clustering of integrin proteins at a focal adhesion" assertion.
- glycocalyx-bulk definition "Relating to size, density, or bulk of the glycocalyx" assertion.
- STX1B-mutation definition "mutation in STX1B" assertion.
- regulatory-element-within-the-first-intron-of-FTO definition "a regulatory element present within the first intron of the human gene FTO" assertion.
- early-human-adipogenesis definition "early human adipogenesis" assertion.
- social-group-size definition "Social group size is the size of a group of humans that a person socially interacts with (on a regular basis)." assertion.
- SuperPatternQualifier definition "the class for qualifiers used in the super pattern" assertion.
- PotentialActivity definition "an activity that can happen or not" assertion.
- QuantifiableThing definition "a thing that can be quantified" assertion.
- patterned-cell-remodeling definition "Patterned cell remodeling." assertion.
- ciliopathy-mouse-model definition "Ciliopathy mouse model" assertion.
- dysregulation-sonic-hedgehog-signaling definition "Dysregulation of Sonic Hedgehog signaling pathway." assertion.
- doublecortin-pseudo-repeats definition "Pseudo-repeats in doublecortin." assertion.
- adherenceToTheFAIRGuidingPrinciples definition "everything that adheres to the FAIR Guiding Principles" assertion.
- automatedDiscovery definition "Everything that is discoverable through automation" assertion.
- patient_undergoing_PCI definition "patient undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention" assertion.
- cost-effective_treatment definition "cost-effective treatment" assertion.